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Validation of Tolerance Claims

News has reached us of yet another LSC fixed fee clawback initiative. We have said before that the LSC is deep financial straits and desperate to recover monies by whatever means necessary. The focus on the Family Private Law Fixed Fee Scheme was the first stage. Now we have Tolerance claims in the frame.

In essence, large numbers of firms have been unwittingly claiming contract fixed fees instead of tolerance fixed fees for their tolerance work. The LSC has identified all the firms/claims affected and has written to them identifying the errors. If they hear nothing back from the firms they will clawback the difference in fees, which amounts to about £20-£40 a case.

Whilst it is right that the LSC shouldn't pay out for cases wrongly claimed and is within its rights to take back the money, it does highlight the shambolic nature of LSC Online. Anyone who has used this system will know how easy it is to claim at contract rates for tolerance work as you need to remember to set the Tolerance Indicator appropriately.



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Surely there must be a better way?
Our criticism of the (award-winning) LSC Online system knows no bounds and it is quite difficult to pass comment without resorting to bad language. However, it is in examples like this that one realises the true incompetence of the system.

The LSC's systems obviously must know which suppliers have which contracts and therefore which cases are tolerence. Why, therefore does it need the supplier to indicate which is a tolerance matter and so introduce human error into the process?

Furthermore, the system, before you submit your claim goes through some sort of validation and tells you everything is ok. Why then does it not validate whether a claim is tolerance? What the hell is it doing?

Frankly, it is little surprise that the LSC's own costs are rising when its costs control systems seem to be based on allowing firms to make errors then spending a fortune on bureaucrats to identify where the errors have occurred then clawing the monies back.

Given that the LSC has spent many man-years on LSC Online this lack of functionality is quite galling.



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